Client Spotlight: Maggie O.'s Path from Uncertainty to Decisive Confidence

In the rapidly evolving tech industry, professionals like Maggie O., who has experience with major companies like Airbnb, confront both industry-wide challenges and personal hurdles that can impact their performance and well-being. They often stand at the crossroads of professional uncertainty and personal growth. High expectations, fierce competition, and constant pressure to innovate often lead to stress, burnout, and a pervasive fear of failure.

Against this backdrop, Maggie sought to redefine her own path, turning to Co.lab’s coaching services to address the internal barriers holding her back. This journey of self-discovery and empowerment highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the pursuit of personal values amidst external upheavals.


When Maggie first reached out to me, she felt immobilized by fear. The possibility of failure loomed large, casting a shadow over her dreams and ambitions. Burdened by self-doubt and self-deprecation, Maggie was struggling to find her footing in both her professional and personal life.

She yearned to break free from these constraints, to feel capable, powerful, and in control.

Co.lab’s Approach

From the outset, I focused on creating a safe and nurturing space for Maggie to express her deepest fears, desires, and perceived shortcomings. Through thoughtful dialogue and personalized exercises, I helped Maggie uncover her core values and craft an impact statement that truly resonated with her. Together, they developed an actionable plan that excited Maggie and aligned with her innermost values, injecting purpose and passion into her daily work.

My approach emphasized patience, self-compassion, and the courage to embrace imperfection.


Maggie O.'s journey is a testament to the transformative power of individual coaching. Using a blend of expertise and compassion, I am able to meet clients where they’re at and co-create a better, more fulfilled, and joyful life.

As Maggie's story vividly illustrates, with the right support and guidance, it's possible to turn self-doubt into self-determination and fear into fearlessness.


Today, Maggie is transformed. She embodies bravery and steadfastness. With the courage to seek help and the wisdom to live on her own terms, she is no longer influenced by the opinions or actions of others. Maggie now makes decisions that reflect her true self. She navigates life with confidence, understanding that her value and path are unique.

In Maggie’s Words

"Today, I am braver and more steadfast. I have the courage to ask for help. No longer a passive observer of my own life, I understand that it doesn’t matter what other people think or do. What really matters is that I make decisions that are right for me. I live my life on my own terms.

Elizabeth was never intimidating. She made it safe for me to be truthful about my fears, longings, and perceived shortcomings... I left our sessions feeling 10 feet tall and capable of anything! I LOVED our time together and think so many people would benefit from working with Elizabeth. It is so powerful having her in my corner!”

Unlock Your Potential: Start Your Journey to Confidence and Fulfillment with Co.lab’s Empathetic, Values-Driven Coaching

Take the first step towards transforming self-doubt into self-determination and fear into fearlessness.

Don't stay stuck, reach out today!