The Power of Play: Transforming Our Lives and Workplaces

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget about an essential aspect that contributes to our overall well-being - play. As children, play was a natural part of our lives. However, as we grow older, the perceived need for productivity often sidelines it. According to Stuart Brown, M.D., the author of Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, play can be an important tool in our professional and personal success.

In this post, we delve into Stuart Brown, M.D.'s exploration of play's magic and its transformative potential for our personal lives and workplaces.

Understanding Play: Its Definition, Importance, and the Biological Power of Joy

What exactly is play? As per Stuart Brown, play is characterized by seven key aspects: it's purposeless, voluntary, inherently attractive, timeless, self-liberating, improvisational, and desirous of continuation. This means play is something we do for its own sake, without a direct practical purpose, and it's something we naturally find enjoyable and freeing. It's all about enjoying the moment and letting your imagination run wild.

Play isn't just a frivolous activity; it's a vital biological process. It helps in building social bonds and teaches us vital life skills like empathy and adaptability. Remember watching children or animals at play, absorbed in a world of sheer delight? That's the power of play – a tool for survival and happiness. More importantly, the opposite of play is not work, but depression. Life without play is life without joy, imagination, and creativity.

Play is a biological process and a survival tool that teaches us how to adapt to our social environment, fosters empathy, eases our burdens, and opens us up to new possibilities.

Play in Adulthood and the Workplace: Understanding the Lifelong Importance of Play

Play comes naturally to us as children. But as adults, we often view it as a waste of time. Such a perception couldn't be more wrong. Adult play can boost our creativity, reduce stress, and enhance our interactions with others.

Playing at work might sound counterproductive, but it's actually essential. A workplace that encourages play reaps immense benefits: increased creativity, reduced stress, and stronger team cohesion. Play can take the form of friendly team competitions, personal/private competitions, listening to music while working, using movement, or even a little silliness. By incorporating play into our work lives, we can foster a more creative, enjoyable, and productive work environment.

Recognizing Play Deficits and Rekindling Play in Your Life

Like a nutrient deficiency, a lack of play can result in diminished motivation, creativity, and overall satisfaction. If you find yourself stuck in a rut or devoid of joy, it may be time to reassess your engagement in playful activities.

Rediscovering the joy of play as an adult can be a transformative experience. In my Power Play program, we rekindle play by taking a 'play history' - a journey back to the activities that filled your childhood with excitement. This reflective exercise serves as a potent tool to reconnect with your playful self and reignite the spark of joy and creativity.

Unlock the Power of Play: Subscribe to Co.lab's Newsletter for Exclusive Tips and Training on Integrating Play into Work and Life

Interested in exploring the transformative power of play? Want to learn how to integrate playful practices into your routine and work life? Subscribe to Co.lab’s newsletter for exclusive insights and an invitation to our upcoming training sessions, where we'll delve deeper into the benefits of play in your professional life. Rediscover your playful side and transform your life - one playful moment at a time!