The Power of Partnership: Client Experiences

  • “When I started coaching, I was sad, depressed, overwhelmed, guilty. I felt tired and unable to navigate the issues in my life. My job situation was unbearable, but I couldn't find a way out of it. With Elizabeth, I didn’t feel so alone. It was a real partnership. She introduced me to many valuable tools, and I did my homework. I made time for myself - to reflect, to challenge myself, to practice new skills, and to enjoy life. Today, I am my own person. I’ve increased my emotional bandwidth, and have more control over my actions, thoughts and feelings. I am more aware of what triggers me and how I impact the people around me. I understand different perspectives. I set boundaries and communicate my needs. Working with Elizabeth is fun. She is trustworthy and honest, and an all-around kick-ass coach.”

    — Caroline B.

  • "I wanted to improve how I approach life goals and have more balance in my life. My friend strongly recommended I work with Elizabeth, and it was a great experience! She supported me wholeheartedly. Her empathy, warmth and availability (she was available in between sessions when I needed a boost) made me feel like I had a supporter who was always rooting for me. Elizabeth helped me identify and understand what’s most important to me, overcome negative thought patterns and habits that could derail me, and shared tools, methods and mindsets that helped me achieve my goals. With Elizabeth’s support, I took a big leap and landed a great role with a great company. I feel much happier and more confident than I used to be. I am more self-aware and have the tools to continue my journey by ‘leading’ myself."

    — Product Manager, Google

  • “When I started working with Elizabeth I was showing up small and not using my voice. Now after 6 months I feel completely transformed. Elizabeth helped me to see and understand my power in a way that I never had before. She brings a light hearted and warm energy to every session while making you feel heard and understood. Working with Elizabeth means you will always have someone in your corner - I highly recommend!

    — Katie D.

  • “I wanted to kickstart a change. Saying yes to coaching was like making a promise to myself that I was going to change. Elizabeth kept it real! She pushed me in just the way I needed - to my limits. I am amazed by how dedicated she was to me. She always seemed to know the right thing to say, to pull the thoughts deep out of my brain by asking me probing questions that lead me to my own answers.  Elizabeth helped me take control of my life.  I've become my own best advocate.”

    — Alexa S., Airbnb

  • "I signed up for coaching because I wanted support to manage the rollercoaster ride of my professional life. Elizabeth helped me identify my values and develop strategies to support and defend them. We worked on labelling and managing my Saboteurs, giving honest, direct feedback, labelling and sharing my emotions, and other strategies to raise my emotional intelligence. Through my work with Elizabeth, I am becoming a strong, visionary, empathetic, leader with solid communication and conflict management skills. Working with Elizabeth was amazing. She was incredibly supportive and empowering, and was always rooting for me. I cannot thank her enough for all her wisdom and encouragement. Most importantly, it was fun! I enjoyed every minute."

    — Program Manager, Google

  • "When I started working with Elizabeth, I was feeling really stuck and unhappy. I was full of fear, but wanted to make changes in my life.  I was approaching a decision to leave my job, but felt paralyzed. Elizabeth has helped me get clear on my values and introduced me to some great frameworks to make values-based decisions. She helped me see the value in slowing down...not rushing into decisions. I’ve learned to ask for more time and get what I need before making a big decision. I’ve also learned to trust myself to make good decisions and to believe that things will work out. I’ve gotten a lot done in a short time! I resigned from a job and company I loved to make a career switch that was calling to me, I made some major steps in my fertility journey, and invested time in my own personal development. Today, I am a more empowered woman who is able to balance a lot of big, exciting things. I do not listen as much to my fears and keep striving for what I think could be possible.”

    — Rebecca G.

  • “I was feeling stuck and holding myself back, but wasn’t sure why. I needed encouragement and wanted to be challenged. Elizabeth helped me navigate a tough career decision. She pushed me to think about where and what I wanted to change in my life, and what was holding me back. With her support, I was able to make a decision that was best for me without feeling guilty, and moved into a new and exciting challenge. Coaching helped me grow more confident in myself and focus on where I want to be/go in life with more joy and less fear. Elizabeth is a wonderful coach! I loved her enthusiasm and constant support. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to women looking for guidance, support, encouragement, or a kick in the rear.”

    — Kellie B.

  • “Elizabeth is so open and non-judgmental. She is warm and loving, but was also willing to call me on my anxiety and internal narratives without ever making me feel judged. I could really trust her and be vulnerable. When I had a pressing issue I needed to triage, she was always willing to "go there" with me and push me in the most gentle, caring way. It made me feel supported, like I had a true champion in my corner. The coaching process helped me find myself again. I have a greater awareness of both the voices/saboteurs that get in my way and (equally importantly) a greater awareness of my strengths and the world in which I thrive. I walked away from my coaching with Elizabeth with a greater sense of self and a newfound capacity to talk openly and honestly about both my strengths and my weaknesses.”

    — Nikki L.

  • “I hit a crisis point personally and professionally. The dream job wasn’t a dream and my parents are facing the biggest challenge in their lives...our lives. The only thing that mattered was to be home and push the restart button. Elizabeth helped me see my value and understand my values again. She gave me permission to be imperfect and recognized my strengths. I began to see my power and weed through the fear that’s been holding me back personally and professionally.”

    Angela C.

  • “As a presenter, Elizabeth is a real “triple threat” - subject matter expertise, the ability to connect with any audience, and a great thought/business partner.”

    —Rachel Gerace, VP of People at VergeSense

Co.lab Programs in Action: Participant Testimonials

  • “Elizabeth is our go-to expert for leadership training. She has made a significant impact on our emerging leaders and our employees consistently report that her sessions are engaging, insightful, informative, and fun. Elizabeth is also a great partner to me as the Head of People. Her expertise and guidance in helping us to develop our L&D program has been invaluable. I highly recommend her for leadership training and coaching!”

    — Kate T., Head of People at Frequence, Emerging Leaders Program

  • "The program taught me to identify my Judge saboteur and call it out by name which immediately halts my negative thoughts. Then I do PQ reps to activate my Sage so I can proceed to accomplish the task at hand with joy and vigor!"

    — Eunice M., Mind Mastery Participant

  • “The topics covered were helpful in discovering what attributes I should focus on improving and which ones I already practice. I liked how the program challenged us to engage in the exercises and not just sit back and listen.”

    — Anonymous, Emerging Leaders Program

  • "I’ve managed to change a long standing pattern with my husband by doing a few PQ reps while we are having a difficult conversation. I move to empathy or curiosity instead of judgment. My positivity has cut off his usual response and changed our pattern."

    — Amy F., Mind Mastery Participant

  • “The [role-playing exercises] with Elizabeth and the People Ops Team is phenomenal, and really drives some high-stress conversations and how to manage them.”

    — Anonymous, Emerging Leaders Program

  • "The program helped me develop tools to address my own mental challenges, find things that bring me joy, identify what was holding me back (my saboteur)."

    — Jenn L., Mind Mastery Participant

  • "The program helped me change my mindset and become more positive, cheerful, hopeful, grateful, patient, and productive. I am empowered to harness my mind to work more positively and productively. I am better equipped to exercise more control over my personal and business life."

    — Katherine D., Mind Mastery Participant

  • “I loved Elizabeth's presentation on play. Inspired by Elizabeth, I am trying to incorporate more play into my daily life and to notice when whatever I am doing feels more like "play" than not. :-)”

    — Anonymous, Power Play Participant

  • “I had a great time and really enjoyed the presentation. I am the president of a nonprofit board and I'm going to try to remember to throw in some play into our meetings as well.”

    — Anonymous, Power Play Participant